Friday, August 30, 2013

French to Quebecois Translator Please!:)

Being a traveller, I sometimes display symptoms of a mental disorder.   I think it might be comparable to multiple personality disorder or perhaps just being a little bit skitzo.  I leave the place I am familiar with because I want to be on an adventure...except I get to my destination and I want everything to be familiar again. (Okay!!! Only a little!  I may be slightly addicted to purposely making myself completely uneasy.)

I had my first real French job interview today! So how did that go???  Well luckily, I don't want the job!  It's a great first step.  Getting your feet wet at an interview for a job you don't want  is great way to remove at least some degree of stress about not understanding culture and protocol!  I think the most terrifying part though, was that I had no clue what the interviewer was saying half the time. That can't be right. I speak French!  Nothing like  Parisian technical jargon to throw this Montreal girl off guard!  Mix it up with an accent I am not a hundred percent used to and VOILA,  it's a foreign language.  I always knew there were differences but, in a social setting, I can carry a conversation in without having to wonder what half the words mean.  Something I also came to notice is how much more poetic the simplest things here sound.  It is not always that the words used are different but they are used in different ways.   I wish I had a photo I could share with you.  The other day I walked by a vegetarian restaurant and what struck me was that it was called "un atelier de soja" which literally translates to, a Soy Workshop!  Does this flowery language reflect something on how an eatery location is perceived in French culture?

 I'll do my digging and one day, I'll get it! For now I'm loving that there is so much to discover about this language! ( Even though my other personality kinda hates it...LOL)


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