Sunday, August 25, 2013

Perfection as a Goal is Waste of Time!

Being an outsider can be a little difficult at times.  You may not have followed the recipe given or expected in order to achieve what you want because the one you were told to follow back home is different.  So what to do?  It feels a little overwhelming but the cliché  about just being yourself may have been some of the best advice ever given.  Nowhere I have lived have I been considered perfect but the irony is that my perfections and imperfections are not always transferrable  skills.

So doesn't that just mean that perfect and imperfect are merely a matters of opinion.

My strengths in some places are my weaknesses in others and vice versa.  Living in the English part of Canada, having a Parisian French accent was considered "The Better French". Being here, however, there seems to be a novelty around being from Montreal.  I am different and different can be novel!  With my Canadian spirit and an acceptance that I am in France, feeling comfortable here is only a matter of time.  The lady selling me a SIM card may laugh and think my accent sounds ridiculous but the bar tender gave me a shot on the house for that very same reason. One thing is for sure, when you are different you don't go unnoticed and you always leave behind a lasting impression.


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